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Coast Guard scheduled to offload approximately $13.7 million of cocaine and marijuana

June 11, 2015

Editor's note: Media wishing to cover the offload must RSVP with the Coast Guard 7th District public affairs office at 786-367-7649. Media must arrive no later than 7:30 a.m. at Coast Guard Base Miami Beach.

WHO: Coast Guard Base Miami Beach and the crew aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Vigilant

WHAT: Crewmembers are scheduled to offload 328 kilograms of cocaine and 3,100 pounds of marijuana worth a combined estimated wholesale value of $13.7 million

WHEN: Friday, 8:00 a.m.

WHERE: Coast Guard Base Miami Beach located at 100 MacArthur Causeway, Miami Beach, Florida 33139

MIAMI — The Coast Guard is scheduled to offload 328 kilograms of cocaine and 3,100 pounds of marijuana, worth an estimated wholesale value of $13.7 million at Coast Guard Base Miami Beach, Florida, Friday.

On May 22, crewmembers aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Bear and Coast Guard Cutter Vigilant responded to reports from a Columbian Air Force maritime patrol aircraft of a suspicious go-fast vessel northwest of Columbia. The go-fast began heading toward Columbian shores and beached itself on St. Lucia Island. Crewmembers of the Vigilant recovered 14 bales of jettisoned contraband that tested positive for cocaine. 

Five days later, the Coast Guard Cutter Resolute's embarked Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron (HITRON) helicopter located another suspicious go-fast northeast of Panama. The helicopter observed the go-fast jettisoning packages over the side as the cutter deployed its small boat.Resolute’s law enforcement team recovered 62 bales of contraband testing positive for marijuana and boarded the vessel. Four suspected smugglers were taken into Coast Guard custody and are being transferred to federal law enforcement officials in Miami.

"These individual  seizures not only keep drugs off the streets and reduce the destabilizing effects they have on society, but they get our investigatory agencies one step closer to disabling the transnational criminal organizations that threaten the prosperity and security of free nations," said Cmdr. Tim Cronin, Coast Guard 7th District deputy chief of enforcement.

These interdictions were carried out as part of Operation Martillo, which is one component in the United States government's whole-of-government approach to countering the use of Central American littorals as transshipment routes for illicit drugs, weapons and cash. Operation Martillo is an international operation focused on sharing information and bringing together air, land and maritime assets from the U.S. Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security and Western Hemisphere and European partner agencies to counter this illicit trafficking. 

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